M is for Mattoid – A to Z Challenge 2018

M is for Mattoid which means a person on borderline between sanity and insanity.

Being ill is not just for our physical self but also for the mental self. When we are physically ill we might resist but in the end we do end up taking care of our self. When it comes to mental illness, we define that as madness and stay away from that person. Mental illness is just not madness. There are so many reasons why a person can be mentally ill. They could be disturbed with few events that took place in their lives.


Imagine a person who lost his job. He breaks that news to his parents and his father gets an attack and is being sent to the hospital. The boy when listening to this, immediately gets his car out of the parking only to realize, there’s barely any fuel. He then tries to hail a cab but cannot make it to the hospital until evening. After he gets there, he gets a call that his house is on fire due to short circuit on the AC. All hell breaks loose. The person after that would not be in a state to think or react normally for a while.

Also, our heart is very brittle. A bit of hurt makes us uncomfortable.A lot of it ruins the way we think and react forever. We get defensive, paranoid and even insecure. It’s tough but I know the solution for this. All the person needs is comfort and assurance. Give that and they’ll come out of their shell and be the same vibrant person they once were. The state of mattoid is not a joke. Someone whose mind is troubled doesn’t know what and why they’re doing something. I really liked the movie “Dear Zindagi”. It really focused well on topics and situations what we all go through at some point of time.

This post is part of the A to Z Challenge 2018.

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  1. Pingback: M is for Mango - A to Z Challenge 2020 - Where to find Mango in Mumbai?

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