Y is for Yenta which means gossiping. Do you like gossiping?
I don’t.
But it doesn’t mean that I don’t ever gossip.
Whether it’s a family meeting or meeting close friends, there is always a time when all of us will talk and gossip about everything under the sun.
Don’t you dare deny that fact? It always happens and everyone has either participated or witnessed this epic event of gossiping (Yenta). It becomes more fun when all of you hate that one person or group. Gossiping then gets a whole new meaning.
It’s fun and sometimes dark but it’s what keeps the conversation moving.
So tell me folks, with whom do you like to gossip (Yenta) the most?
Is it a friend, a colleague at work, a neighbor or yourself. Common now, at some point of life, we all have gossiped about someone. It’s natural. We humans love talking and when it comes to funny and embarrassing stuff, people will gossip about weird stories like there’s no tomorrow.
This post is written as part of the annual A to Z Challenge where for each day of April (except Sundays) I shall write a post based on the part of the letters of 26 alphabets.
I have been participating in this challenge since 2015. To read more of my posts from the “A to Z Challenge” CLICK HERE