X is for Xanthocomic which means Yellow.
For today, searching a word was difficult.
When I came across Xanthocomic and read its meaning as “Yellow”, the first thought that came to me was the song “Yellow” by “ColdPlay”. As I write this post, the song is running on my mind. I have adored ColdPlay’s music a lot and their song “Paradise” along with the video has such a deep meaning of life.
I love it and thought of sharing it with you guys.
What is your favorite song?

This post is written as part of the annual A to Z Challenge where for each day of April (except Sundays) I shall write a post based on the letters part of 26 alphabets.
I have been participating in this challenge since 2015. To read more of my posts from the “A to Z Challenge” CLICK HERE
So here i learnt anew word for yellow.