Z is for Zelotypia – A to Z Challenge 2019

Z is for Zelotypia which means jealousy.

I have always been jealous in a certain way of many writers who come up with epic shit. Yes, I mean epic shit!

The way the display their content is amazing and I can only wonder how can I not pull off such a thing. I know it takes hell lot of an effort and I also wish to someday do this.

Hence in these situations I end up being jealous!

Jealous (zelotypia), because of their work and how amazing they are in our field of writing. I love the way writers all over the world portray their story and hope one day I can pull off epic shit like them.

Hence I’m ending this A-Z challenge with a wish to come back stronger next year! See you amazing people in 2020 and I shall promise you guys to get better!

This post is written as part of the annual A to Z Challenge where for each day of April (except Sundays) I shall write a post based on the letters part of 26 alphabets. 

I have been participating in this challenge since 2015. To read more of my posts from the “A to Z Challenge” CLICK HERE

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