W is for wedding vows
In any catholic wedding, we have vows that the couple makes to each other. Some even go ahead and add them during the reception with their personalized set of vows that they proclaim in front of their audience.
If you wish to do the same, you can follow this step to step guide.
1. Who is he/she to you – You can start the vows by mentioning who your partner is to you. Are they your best friend, your partner in crime, or your practical guru who keeps you grounded?
This can be one of the best ways to start your wedding vows and also helps your audience know your partner better.
2. What do you love about your partner – Now this is where you can plan to tell a story, things that made you realize that your partner is “The One.”
The story can be short and you can list down a few instances that made you realize how you both are meant to be.

This makes your vows more intimate than ever.
3. What all are you promising? – Yes, you’re promising to live a life together but here’s where you can add romance and fun like, “I promise that as your wife, I will not keep score, even though I am totally winning”.
Yes, vows don’t need to just be plain old and boring. Make it fun, make it quirky, and romantic too. Poke fun but only till a certain limit as you don’t want to fight on the very first day of your married life.
4. Rough times and the future – Talking about good times is what everyone does. You can add a vow mentioning how you’ll stick together no matter how rough life gets.
It’s in these moments that this vow makes sense – In sickness and in health, for better or worse. You can then end your vows by making one last promise to love each other for eternity until death do us part!
What are my thoughts on wedding vows?
Wedding vows are very important. If you wish to make your ceremony an intimate affair, take time to plan your vows. You can then share them with your partner on the wedding day.
What do you think about wedding vows? Would you prefer creating your own vows?
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Love the concept of vows but the idea of saying them out loud in front of an audience scares the bejesus out of introverted me!
Hey Suchita, that’s highly possible. I’ve seen a few fumble but when their partner reassures them, it’s all back on track!!