D is for Dance – A to Z Challenge 2021

Will dancing be allowed at weddings?

With the latest weekend lock-down announced in parts of Maharashtra, having an event as important as marriage seems difficult. You can now invite-only 50 people as per #lockdown2021 rules.

So will there be a wedding dance performance?

If it’s a catholic marriage, then yes for sure! The first dance in catholic weddings is kind of a big deal. Whether it’s based on a Bollywood wedding dance or any other wedding dance songs, the dance will happen.

Couples go to great lengths to get the first dance right even if it means hiring a choreographer. Mostly, it’s either a friend or a relative who will become the commander and help the couple practice.

Apart from the first dance, having a good DJ is important too. People like grooving and dancing. Mostly, people end up sitting less and dancing more.

wedding dance performances

I remember going to a wedding where I rarely sat. It was a lively evening and the DJ sure knew how to keep people on the dance floor.

What are my thoughts on the wedding dance?

The wedding dance is kind of a big deal in catholic weddings. Whether there’s an audience of 50 or 500, the dance must take place. It’s how we party you know!

I sincerely hope that the conditions get better so people can enjoy dancing at the wedding. If I have a wedding soon, I sure as hell will want my near and dear ones dancing their hearts out.

What are your thoughts on the wedding dance? Do you think the conditions will improve in the next few months?

This is the 7th time I’m participating in the A to Z Challenge series. You can catch up with my posts from 2015 up to 2021 by CLICKING HERE

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16 thoughts on “D is for Dance – A to Z Challenge 2021”

  1. Wedding Dance is most of the fun that happens on the dance floor in a wedding. There are few weddings which is postponed due to this pandemic and we all are waiting to get condition better.

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hey there, yes I am missing weddings and the feeling of catching up with friends too. Hoping for the best.

  2. The wedding dance is a ritual in Catholic weddings and an integral part of the ceremonies. Dance is also a part of Indian weddings too, and has evolved into sophisticated variants.

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hahaa, dancing is a part of it but yes it’s difficult to attending weddings in such a scenario.

  3. I love to see the couples dance during their weddings. Its all about enjoying the celebration and being in the moment. And now that I am talking about it, I realise that it has been so long since I have attended a wedding.

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      That makes the two of us. I attended one in December 2019 and that’s as far as I can remember!

  4. Now dance is part of the wedding ceremony as it brings joy, happiness and togetherness. I personally love to dance and enjoy the moment so much.

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