Thinking and implementation sometimes don’t go hand in hand.
I envy those who can do these together, every single time (or perhaps at least 90% of times).
I used to have a lot of conflicts in my mind with regard to every situation. I would think of something but would do something else. In the end, it would hurt me and I would question myself, why did I have a second thought to it? Why didn’t I just go ahead with what I had decided?
That’s when I realized that there are 2 possibilities to it;
- Either I’m not sure that what I thought is right OR
- I’m just going by the flow and doing things at the spur of the moment.
Both of them are bad and should be avoided at all costs.
When I was a child, I was told by a fortune teller that “I JUMP FIRST AND THINK LATER” and damn she was right! It helps very rarely and the rest of the time I’m on the losing side. I had been unemployed for almost 8 months since post-graduation.
I had sleepless nights, cursed myself for not taking the right opportunities when they were right in front of me, and why? Just because I had second thoughts!
I finally decided to put things in the right places.
- Ate properly. (Maintained a well-balanced diet)
- Exercised religiously for 6 days a week.
- Gave more attention to my reading habits. (Would read a book/week)
- Was up to date with current affairs in the world (helps in interviews)
- Learned to swim (I always wanted to do that.)
- Lost around 30 pounds in 4 straight months! ( I had a lot of time to take care of myself due to being unemployed)
During this tenure of 8 months, I blogged a lot. I wrote, read, participated in different blog themes and yes I also got paid for a few articles. (The best part is that I had money to survive on my own. I didn’t need to ask for money from my parents.)
All this changed the way I am today. I believe we are known by our actions. If you take the right step, you’d love to be praised. Similarly, if you take a wrong step, OWN IT! That’s your mess and only when you accept your mistake, you grow into a better person. You grow when you accept your faults and correct them for the future.
Hence, Second thoughts are never an option. If you have a second thought, introspect and look at that situation from all angles. Get a solution, be clear.
This post is written as part of the Daily Prompts via the Daily Post
8th November -Second Thoughts
What does having second thoughts mean?
There are multiple second thoughts meaning, synonyms and quotes that will make you understand what it is. In simple words, it’s your conscience stopping you and trying to make sure if you are making the right choice.
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Nailed it! We need to own up our actions. I have battled a long time with thoughts and implementations. Trust me, I have bettered my way though there are improvements.
I’m glad you could improve and yes, that’s a process which is continuous. You fail, you get up and work it out!