HOLI – A Revelation

Happy Holi Everyone!

I just happened to hear this definition of Holi and hence thought of sharing it with you guys.

This is how the Encyclopedia defines Holi. “Every spring people across India and around the world celebrate the Hindu festival of Holi, throwing colored water and powders on one another in joyous celebration. On this one day—the full-moon day of the Hindu month of Phalguna—societal rankings like caste, gender, age, and status are eschewed in the spirit of making merry together, and everyone is fair game to be doused with color.”

What caught my attention?.  “societal rankings like caste, gender, age, and status are eschewed in the spirit of making merry together“.

Isn’t that such a beautiful meaning for a festival. It clearly mentions that on the day of the festival, we all abstain from all the status, caste, and other issues. We then enjoy together and have a good time. That’s kind of tough when it comes to our modern day time. But wouldn’t it be nice if we could not only do that for a day but also for all the remaining 364 days in a year?

It might be a long shot but the world could be a better place than it is today!

That’s all from my side.


Holi Festival India 2020 was not a great affair as COVID-19 scares made people stay home and observe lockdown!

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