Food + Education = Evolution

Classroom hunger is the reason why millions of children in our country give up education.

Below is the list which is a perfect example of the “vicious cycle” affecting the growth of our young generation.

  • Parents don’t have the resources to keep feeding their children.
  • There is the possibility of kids falling ill if not given timely food.
  • Then the burden of medicines and keeping the kid healthy has to be borne by the parents.
  • They work hard, with all their might, but still it’s not enough to earn even 2 square meals for one day.
  • So they decide its best not to send the child to school.
  • Rather most of them prefer to engage the route of child labor. That’s another sensitive issue in India.

This cycle keeps repeating for every child. If some kids go to school, then there is no guarantee he or she will come tomorrow. If parents don’t have enough money, then we get back to point one!!


How can we avoid this?

Mid-day meals are a perfect route to progress. This program has been on for a decade now and has fed over 12 crore children all over India. Yes, I agree that there have been a lot of ups and downs in this scheme. In many places no care towards hygiene led to food poisoning and a lot of kids suffered. But since then, no such problems have been encountered. Kids have been receiving food and since this programme, a lot of kids have been enrolled in schools by their parents. Food is indirectly the biggest motivator and demotivator for parents when they think of enrolling their kids for education. Honestly, even with this scheme there are millions of kids who still are without education.


Akshaya Patra Foundation is a nonprofit organization in India that runs school lunch programs in India. They have played an instrumental role in many children’s lives. Their mission is “To reach 5 million kids by 2020”. Each day the foundation feeds around 1.4 million kids covering 10000 government schools.

I appreciate their effort and their mission.


With this one post of mine, BlogAdda will donate enough money to feed 1 kid for an entire year. I thank BlogAdda for this initiative and wish Akshaya Patra all the very best with their effort.

If you plan to make a change you can go through this link “Donate” and donate a reasonable sum. To feed a kid for an entire year costs 750 INR. You can donate even for 3-10 kids. It feels nice to help someone. Let’s help our kids to have a brighter future.


I am going to #BlogToFeedAChild with Akshaya Patra and BlogAdda.

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