Thoughts of a Newbie Author

Before I could mention my journey of writing my first eBook writing experience, I’d like you to read a blurb from another budding author who himself has written one heck of a story! You ought to read it!

eBook 1: I take on the Baton of Blog-chatter eBook Carnival from Sitharaam whose eBook ‘Eighty Hours to Save Karen’ is also part of the mix. About Sitharaam’s eBook: What is it that ails little Karen? Does it have something to do with the supernatural? Join a grandfather’s journey as he sets out to unravel a web of deceit, treachery, and obsession in a bid to save the life of the only human being he can call his own… 

My Ebook writing story:

If I had to list one decision of my life which I’ve followed and reaped benefits from, it would be the New Year’s Resolution on 31st of December 2014. I had decided to “stop regretting any of the missed opportunities”. At the back of my mind I knew that I couldn’t always utilize every opportunity life threw at me, but what I could do was take some action on it. I would either choose to capitalize on the situation or would choose to do nothing. The fact remains; I would choose and not regret my choice.

This resolution has worked wonders for me since 2015.

I feel calmer and have begun noticing changes in the way I speak, perceive and think on every topic. Sure, I did lose many people on the way of life but there are few who stuck by me and appreciated for who I am. One such opportunity knocked on my door in April 2017. I saw Blogchatter giving bloggers an opportunity of a lifetime by being an author of their own e-book. Yes, a dream most of us writers do have. I saw this opportunity and rejected the thought of it. 2 reasons for this; I was lazy and I didn’t have the content I felt fit for my first book. I missed the bus and made a promise to only climb aboard when I have a good story to share with the world.

Then April 2018 arrived quicker than expected (God I tell you time is running like Flash). The bus arrived again and this time I had a theme which would be fruitful and fit for my first book. In all honesty, my theme revealed itself on the 4th post when I realized all I wrote was not just weird and unusual words but these words also mentioned how you could make your life better by handling situations in a sane way. I have done some messed up things in life and wish that people don’t follow me in the pit. What they can do is opt for a better solution by always giving the other person a benefit of doubt.

My 26 posts got over and I felt that rush when on May 19th, I saw my book listed on Blogchatter’s EBook writing carnival.

The joy I felt is something I will never forget. Not even in my dream did I think of being an author. Not once! (Okay, just once when someone commented on a post that I should write a book. After giving it a thought and it scared me out).

I thank Blogchatter with all my heart for giving me this Ebook writing opportunity. Like me, many can call this an opportunity of a lifetime. For once, I feel like I’ve achieved something more in life. I can proudly point out this book and tell everyone… “Hey, I wrote this book”. This eBook carnival also showcased so many new authors whose stories mesmerized me. I am thankful for these people to have taken this step with me. All of those 55 authors have shown their top game in the books and it’s a treasure of stories. Don’t miss them out.

Here’s the link for you to find all my posts from the eBooks free of cost – A to Z Challenge

eBook 2: I pass on the Baton of Blog-chatter eBook Carnival to Meghana whose eBook, ‘Ria’s Diary’ is also part of the mix. About Meghana’s eBook: Ria’s Diary is an episodic tale of a brave girl who fought the most gruesome battles, wavered pain, and heartbreaks that life presented to her with grit, determination and a smile. Inspired by a real story.

Follow my food journey on Zomato and Instagram

2 thoughts on “Thoughts of a Newbie Author”

    1. Hey, Yes I imagined that scenario the same way. I wouldn’t miss the bus for sure.
      And about boarding it again….I must give it a good thought on it.

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