Write Unique and Error Free Articles with these 4 best writing tools for writers

How to start as a blogger that makes no mistakes in blog posts?

Are you worried about spelling mistakes and grammatical errors?

Do you want your articles to have 100% uniqueness and 0% copy?

If the answer is a big fat YES, then you’ve come to the right place.

I bring to you the 4 best writing tools for writers.

These free writing tools will help you write a good article and convert it into an error-free article.

1. Grammarlyhttps://app.grammarly.com/        

Every blogger in India or worldwide must start out with Grammarly. This is because it’s one of the best grammar and spelling checkers. This free writing tool will help you in optimizing your text and make it more readable.

When you add a text, it will give you a few goals that you must set. Once you choose the goals, Grammarly will analyze your text. Then they will show you suggestions and corrections that you can make in your post.

Grammarly content writing

Here are the goals:

1. Audience – Is your audience General, Knowledgeable, or an expert in this topic.

2. Formality – Also, is your blog post formal, informal or neutral

3. Domain – Is your post – General, Business, Academic, Casual, Creative, or Email. In the free version, you can only check posts in the “General” domain.

4. Tone – How do you want your post to sound? You can choose between Neutral, Confident, Joyful, Optimistic, Friendly, Urgent, Analytical, and Respectful.

5. Intent – What are you trying to do with your post? Do you want to Inform, Convince, Describe, or tell a story”?

Grammarly is one of the best writing tools for writers
Premium mode will unlock additional benefits

What did I learn from Grammarly?

I always forget to add a comma in a sentence and use the word “really” a lot.

2. Hemingway – http://www.hemingwayapp.com/

If your audience finds your content confusing and complex, they won’t be able to understand your blog. When they can’t understand, they will move out of your blog within a minute. This applies to every Travel blogger, Food blogger, etc.

Hence to ensure that all your content is readable, you can try Hemingway. It is one of the best online content writing tools for every writer. Once you paste the content, Hemingway will highlight portions of your post that have,

1. Complicated sentences

2. Confusing words

3. Excessive passive voice usage, etc.

Hemingway content writing and best writing tools for writers

What did I learn from Hemingway?

I have a knack of using longer sentences when I can shorten them out. Also, I use the passive voice a lot.

3. INK for all – https://inkforall.com/          

The power of AI has arrived in the form of INK for all. I tried this platform at the start of 2020 and found amazing suggestions on my content. Right from shortening complex sentences to reducing fluff in my post, I could get it done. All you have to do is paste your content and you will get suggestions to modify certain parts that need changes.

INK for ALL AI based content writing tool

Moving forward, here are 2 platforms where one can check for copied or duplicated content.

You can also read – Get these 30 best selling eBooks on Amazon for FREE

4. Small SEO Tools – https://smallseotools.com/

If I had to choose one platform where I could check many aspects of my blog post, I would choose Small SEO Tools. This is one of the best writing tools for writers. Here, you get many tools that will help you in improving your writing skills. You can,

1. Check for plagiarism (100% unique writing),

2. Rewrite an article,

3. Check spellings,

4. Get word counted for your blog, and much more.

Smallseotools  best writing tools for writers

As a blogger and a content writer, I know the pains we all take while creating a blog post. We do everything from “thinking, researching, writing, rewriting, and finally posting it online. But even then it’s possible that,

1. There might be a spelling mistake we missed.

2. A sentence or two doesn’t give proper clarity.

3. The post is clean but doesn’t pack a punch with the audience.

4. Or finally, some part of your content is a copy from another website/blog.

In any event, this is not good news for your blog. As a blogger and content writer, I’ve been there and it hurts a lot as I’ve lost out on some amazing content writing jobs.

Hence, to correct this, I found some of the best writing tools for writers over the years.

These tools will help every writer create an article that is,

1. Unique

2. Error-free, and

3. SEO-friendly

I hope these blog content writing tools help you get the best out of your posts and improve your writing.

“Alexa, I’m taking my blog to the next level as I’m participating in Blogchatter’s My Friend Alexa. Send Blogchatter some wine please!

Throughout this month, you can find all my posts on Twitter under this hashtag – #LanceWrites. Stay tuned!

91 thoughts on “Write Unique and Error Free Articles with these 4 best writing tools for writers”

  1. An amazing post and dedicated one on how we up the game in the online business and there can’t be blogs without SEO, I agree. I started using Grammarly since long now and will soon download Hemmingway. I didn’t know about Small SEO Tools and Ink for All. Thanks Lance. I just finished a creative writing course with SEO hints at Udemy and delivered a workshop on Creative Writing. So, you can see how valuable your well researched post is for me.

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hi Vishal, it gives me joy to see how my post was valuable for you. Over these years, I’ve always felt the need for a tool to help me understand my writing style and give suggestions. Hence I thought, it’s best to share it with every blogger so they can improve at a quicker pace than what it took me.
      Wow, I must check out the course on Udemy too. Sounds fun!

      1. Lancelot Quadras

        Hey Saba, thanks a ton. Do check the remaining options as they’re amazing and will help you in optimizing your content.

  2. Helpful post. Grammarly is the most commonly used tool by bloggers. I should explore the others as well. Anything that helps us write better!

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hey Varsha, thanks a ton. I’m glad you found value in this post. Please do check the remaining. They shall give you amazing insights

    2. Very handy tools for writers and bloggers. Well put ! I use Grammarly, SmallSEOTools and Hemmingway. Will definitely check out Ink.

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hey Mayura, I’m glad you found this post as useful. I had this in mind while starting Alexa to help other writers with these tools so they can improve their writing experiences.

  3. That’s an informative post and very important too. SEO definitely requires much more attention and can’t be taken lightly. Will check the options suggested by you.

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hey Rashi, I totally agree with you. SEO definitely needs our attention and so does good writing. Hope this helps you.

  4. LQ, this post is a treasure for every Blogger who wants to up their writing game. I have only used Small SEO Tools so far. Checking out your other helpful suggestions now. Thanks a ton!

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hey Mayuri, I’m super glad you liked this. Yes, please check the other options as well. They will help in optimizing your content.

  5. Hi
    What a wonderful and informative post. So glad it’s here on Alexa. I’m earmarking and copying the link. Will be coming back to check all the tools. I do know about grammarly. I also liked how you substantiated each tool by highlighting your own learning. Made me wonder about the mistakes I make inadvertently.

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hey Sonia, I’m super glad you found this post to be useful. Yes, all these tools are tried and tested hence could easily list down my learnings.

  6. I have been using Grammarly but had no idea about the other resources. I always worry when I am sharing parenting posts if there will be similar content already on the net so I share personal experiences but I think I am going to use the Seo tools now to make my post unique.

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hi Aesha, I’m glad you will use the plagiarism tool. It surely is a god send tool and helps us post unique stuff only.

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  8. Very informative post. I have been using grammerly for my posts. Ink for all and Hemingway are new to me. Will surely try for my blogposts from now on. SEO we all know but I fail to properly have it in my posts.

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hey Pragun, as much as possible, it’s best to try small SEO tools post using Grammarly so you can clear out any kind of plagiarism. Also, do let me know what you think about Hemingway and INK.

  9. Really informative and detailed post. I am bookmarking this. Most of us use grammarly and arent even aware about these other useful tools. Thanks for writing this one. Keep informing us.

    #MyFriendAlexa #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hey Manas, I’m glad you found this post to be useful. Yes, I know as a writer how it took me eons to find these tools. They make my life simple. So i thought it’s time I passed on this knowledge.

  10. This is one of the most useful information I have come across today. Superbly helpful for all bloggers and writers. I already use Grammarly and am looking forward to using the other tools. Thanks a lot.

  11. Grammarly and Hemingway are surely the most helpful writing tools for us. I also used to write long sentences and in passive voice until my tool notified me and I started correcting myself.

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hey Geethica, I’m glad you liked the post. Yes, long sentences were like my forte and passive voice something I couldn’t live without. But it’s starting to change now.

  12. Great post my friend. This will surely be an useful post for every content writer. I use Grammarly and SmallSEOTools. Need to check out the other two – Hemingway and INK. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hey Suchita, I’m glad you liked the post. Yes, I do like using the word like a lot. See what I did there?

  13. A very helpful post. Am so addicted to Grammarly that I think I have forgotten to spell now! ( I usually miss out on articles , a, an, the). Hemingway somehow I never got the hang of it, plus I have the same problem of long sentences! will check out the other two app as well, they sound very interesting.

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hey Harshita, hahaha, I know these tools have made life simpler but also let us know how many mistakes and patterns we follow!

  14. Good tips. i use grammarly and SEO tools but i havent heard of the others. Writing online is quite stressful for me. I prefer pen and a book!

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hey there, I’m glad you liked the post. Also it’s nice to know of someone who prefers writing on a book.

  15. Wow, I have only known Grammarly…considering that mine is a technical blog, I definitely need to take the help of other tools to make my thoughts be understood better…

  16. Lancelot, I am glad I picked this post for the #MyFriendAlexa reading. I don’t use any of these add-on tools, will surely be taking it forward. There is so much more to Blogging that actually meets the eye. Your post is brief and conveys the message smoothly.

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hi Srishti, I’m super glad you found this post interesting. Do check it out and let me know if they were of any help.

  17. 4 pairs of eyes are always better when you’re finally ready to put your writing up there. And the tools you’ve highlighted here sound pretty amazing to take your writing to the next level.!!
    Well written and I like how you’ve given your own examples with each tool.

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hey Radhika, the idea was to help others so they can avoid the mistakes I made. I’m glad you liked it. Do try out the others. They’ll help you out like they helped me.

  18. Wasn’t aware of grammerly… Also the other suggestions are good for bloggers and I will start with grammerly and explore others too.. thanks for sharing.. something new I have learnt today..

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hey Srikanth, Grammarly is a gem and has helped me improve a lot on my errors. I hope it helps you too. Also check out the remaining options.

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