A is for Advice – A to Z Challenge 2021

Did you know what tops more than getting marriage wishes and marriage anniversary wishes?

Wedding advice for the couple!

While I’m not married yet, over the years I’ve seen tons of advice been given to the couple. Whether it’s for the functions or the D-Day, most of this so-called wedding advice is annoying and uncalled for.

But kya kare – Hum hai aadat se majboor right?

I remember watching an aunt describe to her nephew (my friend) how important it is to provide an extra appetizer on the plate. If he wouldn’t do that then people would talk shit about the food and wedding!

wedding budget food

Can you imagine, not getting an extra appetizer would mean that the wedding is shit! My friend didn’t want that because adding extra options meant that his budget would go up! (This was pre-COVID-19 when you could call 500+ for the main event.)

Long story short, he ended up getting tons of wedding advice such as,

1. Importance of a grand entry during the reception,

2. Need of keeping a bar counter and spending on booze,

3. Getting an AC hall to show class!

4. Classy wedding cake designs, and much more.

What are my thoughts on wedding advice?

Times are tough in 2021! While many can take the help of their parents to have a lavish wedding, others might not be able to afford it. It’s a lot to do with salary cuts, job losses, and loss of savings.

Many young couples genuinely want to fund their wedding, do the whole wedding planning and hence stick to a budget.

Hence if you cannot provide a lavish spread in food or cannot add that extra appetizer, it’s fine. You do what pleases you. It’s your special day. Plan it how you want it to be remembered.

Wedding advice for the couple I gave?

I once had asked a close friend to save enough for the wedding + expenses for the 1st year (knowing how her lifestyle was). Also, I suggested that they stay separately post-marriage (theirs was an inter-caste marriage).

Have you ever given wedding advice for the couple? Maybe they are either your friends/family? Let me know what advice was it!

This is the 7th time I’m participating in the A to Z Challenge series. You can catch up with my posts from 2015 up to 2021 by CLICKING HERE.

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24 thoughts on “A is for Advice – A to Z Challenge 2021”

  1. So perfectly said, main advice that I have heard so many give. We need to call X.YZ, just because they had called us 10 years back. Its not the bond or relation that people hold, but give back when it comes to wedding guest list

  2. I usually curb my advising instinct since weddings are touchy matters for people. However, I believe that extravagant spending is useless. One must use the money to go for a better honeymoon or buy property together.

  3. I never gave or took any advice when I was getting married or when someone was getting married. That said, we clocked in 17 years of being married and we’ve lasted so far! 😛

  4. I totally agree, more than the marriage wishes, the advice does top it all. Right from whom to marry, to getting which outfit and the color, to picking the most elite priest to conduct the wedding, everybody has a specific advise. My only advise to any couple would be, have a simple marriage, save the money on wedding and use it during your honeymoon or for future travels. And for people who can’t stay without giving advices – Please stop poking your nose.

  5. Weddings are big and fat in India. People generally spend unnecessary amount of money to impress their relatives and friends. Instead of wasting that money I would suggest save that money for future and for better living.

  6. So the focus of the marriage should be on the two people who want to come together for a lifetime. The spend is not needed as you don’t even meet half the people once the wedding is over.

  7. For me, enjoy the wedding the way you want to be not the way people talk about. If you wish to organize a grand wedding do it if not then Don’t do. People will anyway talk behind . So do whatever you wish

  8. All the pompousness on display in Indian weddings is a big put off. And when it comes to advice, the poor couple who are hitching up are innundated with lots of unwanted advice and tips which is really a pain!

  9. I do not like these wedding advices too. I do love destination wedding but it should be because it makes me and my partner happy not because we want to impress other people.

  10. Wedding advice given was ‘ always pause and then react” . It helps a lot in the marriage as instant reaction can spoil many things and sometimes irreparable too. Goodluck with yet another AtoZ challenge.

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hey there, that’s one amazing piece of advice. Can help sort a lot of things instead of making them worse.

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