V is for Vagient which means crying like a baby.
For today, my post is going to be very short.
For many years, I would be happy when things go right but at the slightst hint of discomfort or things not going in my way, I would whine and cry about it.
That ended when I went through a break up. It got some things settled for me. I began caring for myself and the same with friends around me. I understood that crying when things are not going your way will never help me grow. But being a support system for yourself and the people you love helps you grow.
Being with my best friends, I learnt to plan well, to execute them and also help them when their time is not right. I understood so much just by helping them. I realized how much thye helped me grow.
The impact?
Now I cannot cry when things go wrong because it is expected that I should solve the problem quickly and not cry about it.
So tell me people, are you vagient or no?
This post is written as part of the annual A to Z Challenge where for each day of April (except Sundays) I shall write a post based on the letters part of 26 alphabets.
I have been participating in this challenge since 2015. To read more of my posts from the “A to Z Challenge” CLICK HERE