How important is it to make an effort?
What if you fail?
What if you fail miserably?
What if you just succeed?
These are some questions in the mind of all of us i.e. normal people..
We dont realise the important aspect..
To try.. nd continue the effort..
Maybe lifting up a heavy bag from your living room to the store room seems to be a normal effort.
Think what level of effort it would need from a person having some disability or an injury on their hands..
That effort itself would be herculean to them.
But they do it..
They do it to prove a point.
They don’t want sympathies, being regarded as special people as the segregation itself makes them feel like an outsider.
I have noticed many a such things.
There are some who dont need to take much effort in scoring marks.
But some average guys will take hell lot of efforts to get good grades.
Now see the result scenarios:
If the boy/girl fails they will be heartbroken but the world won’t care. They will be called failiers.
If the boy/girl just passes, it would not make much of an impact on the compliments they will get. The world doesn’t care if you just pass.. It wants more.
If the boy/girl gets good marks, then the impact will be directed to the fact that he or she could acheive more..
Why act so oblivious?
Can’t you appreciate the efforts?
Is being a top notch ranker all what has to be acheived.?
People who know they can’t reach there, end up getting their hopes tarnished, shooting down their hopes of making a good effort.
As far as i am concerned.. i know that your efforts define you!!
Only when you keep trying can you succeed..
Forget success, when you take a lot of effort.. and if it pays off even for little, then that’s a huge sign.. You indeed are improving..!!
With this thought, go out there Nd give your all, be positive and the results will come.. !!
Thought-provoking post!
It’s unfortunate that we appreciate only the people who get good results, and give no recognition whatsoever to those people who put in wholehearted effort.
which refers to an award given out each week to the student who has worked the hardest.