A balanced healthy diet.
Sounds good but is tough to conquer and even tougher to maintain. People who swore by their diet have had wonders in the results. The rest know what happens when you don’t maintain a diet.
You can ask me that question.
I am of the opinion that a diet is indeed very important. Majority keep more emphasis on the exercise and gym aspects. But in reality that’ll only work when you maintain a proper diet. If you exercise during the day and gorge on food in the evening, it might nullify or worse, might lead to weight increase.
A crash diet is one of the worst options possible. You maintain a diet for a while, let go of oily food, chocolates etc. and in the process lose weight, maybe even your appetite. What you don’t realise is that so many compromises in the diet affects the nutrition. Our body needs a minimum requirement of nutrients. If all of a sudden you don’t provide it to your body, it will have adverse effects.
Also a crash diet might give you the result you crave for in limited time. But it will remain limited only. Once you start eating again, you’ll come back to your original shape even quicker than how you lost it. Thus it’s important to keep track of your diet.
With that, I want to share my experience last year when I started swimming and started maintaining a diet.
30 minutes of exercise in the morning, swimming in the evening was what I did for almost 6 months. But that was not all. I also limited myself to a diet which I believe played a vital role in keeping myself fit.
I am a foodie. I can eat anytime. Junk food is in my blood. Parting ways with it was like me going to a rehab centre. It was tough but yes I did get past that hurdle.
I knew I cannot let go of a lot of food items in my diet, so I played it safe. I ate, but at proper intervals and ate healthy. Here’s an example.
7.30am-8.00am – Exercise
Around 8.45am – Breakfast (with 1 glass of warm water with Dabur Honey)
11am – A fruit (maybe a banana/apple etc.)
1pm – Lunch (2-3 chapatis with vegetables/chicken)
3.30pm – A fruit again
5pm – Tea with a few biscuits
6pm-7pm – Swimming
8.00pm – A fruit again
9.30pm – Dinner (same as lunch)
As you can see, I did make sure to eat something at proper intervals. Also keeping honey in my diet helped. As we all know a glass of honey with warm water in the morning is known for its help in weight management.
Keeping a Honey diet is advisable for starters when all we want to manage is our ever increasing weight.
The times between breakfast –lunch, lunch –tea and tea- dinner are stages where we feel a bit hungry. Here is when our loyalty is tested the most. We end up eating something that we like not realising the impact it can have on our system.
I had seen a huge impact after 3 months of maintaining such a diet. I lost a considerate amount of weight. The confidence in me kept rising up. I had a zing about exercising. No laziness. No health issues. I felt fit as ever.
After 3 months, I did continue my diet, but tweaked it a bit with keeping one day for my sinful delights. I would have a chocolate or gorge on some street food just once a week.
There was not much of an impact there. So it’s tried and tested by me. People around me will tell you how much of a change they saw in me. My mother itself was worried as to why I was losing so much weight.
Jokes apart, keeping a balanced diet is important in today’s time. Or else we youngsters will get ill more frequently and get affected by illness which we must be getting after crossing 45-50 years of age.
So eat healthy, eat at proper intervals, exercise too and yes you will see an impact.
Have a nice day.