Book Review – The Friend by Teresa Driscoll

Synopsis – This book is a story mainly revolving around 2 characters I.e. Sophie and Emma. They both have partners and a kid each. One day Sophie leaves her child Ben with Emma and her kid Theo. Sophie is with her husband in the train when mid journey she gets a call that something has happened to two kids. They both are severely injured but they cannot make out who is who as both look identical. Sophie is shaken and wonders how could she trust Emma so blindly and leave her son. 
What I liked – The backdrop of this story leads to North London. I’ve watched a lot of shows and I’m in awe with how the architecture is. Teresa has done a fantastic job describing each area so well that when I’m reading, I can imagine being a part of each scene. 
What I didn’t like – I understand that this book did need to have mystery to it as we have to uncover what happened to the kids and why Sophie did have her doubts on Emma but every once a while the story did get too slow. The feeling of reading it gets lost during the middle after 100 pages. It does pick up well later. Maybe if the book would be a little bit fast paced, it would have been even better! 
What you can expect – For those who love mystery, there’s nothing better than this. If you like a village in of an atmosphere with a mystery then boy you are in for a treat. My best suggestion to you is patience. Give it time. Every mystery takes some time to unravel and so does this one. 
My rating – 4/5
You can find this book on Goodreads –

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