Name of the book – Live Laugh Love – bytes
Author – Venice Rowe
Genre – Collection of Short Stories
About the book:
A book with 15 short stories that are written about love, life and laughter. As a person, at some point of time, you definitely went through a string of emotions. The author has mentioned such moments and shown the beauty of growing in life.
My review:
Stories where you wander off in your mind palace thinking of moments is my kind of a book. Here, the author has mentioned events, emotions and situations where you need to define if it’s worth an attempt, if it’s worth being your true self or fake it out or to try or give up. These situations are what almost everyone goes through at some point of time. Hence this brings in a lot of introspection for the reader.
The pace of the book:
The pace is slow. Yes, every story has a message and a deep meaning. As a reader, after almost every chapter, I used to introspect about what I have done in life at that moment and what could have been done to be better. Hence every chapter takes some time where the reader deep dives into his/her mind and relives those moments.
The writing style:
The writing style is very basic. I liked the simple use of words and also how the author has displayed her messages to the audience. Mind you, when you talk about situations in life, you need to be careful as you cannot direct anyone to do something. All you can do is show the way and it’s up to them if they want to walk on that path or keep following what they were doing initially.
What I liked in the Plot:
Live: The author mentions chapters on failing first in order to succeed and also to understand and accept your own self. I loved them the most.
Laugh: The author mentioned different types of walkers which is hilarious and also about the inheritance from her grandfather which has never stopped troubling her and finally her version of the famous song by Phoebe (from F.R.I.E.N.D.S) i.e. Smelly Cat.
Love: The emotions we go through in love is not just limited with our partner. It can also be with friends and every other relationship. How letting go is important and how friendship changes over the course of time.
My final assessment:
I loved the author’s way of segregating these emotions we go through in life. One only improvement I really wish in this book would be if she could have mentioned more instances about herself in the Life section. Every other story had something which the author shared from her life and it really brought a lot of perspective. Overall, a fantastic read.
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