A is for Accite.
It means to summon. I read a broadcast message on Whats-App which dealt with the top 5 things people on their deathbed wished they had done in their life. Yes, not only Whats-App but also on emails, in church, etc. I’ve heard similar pointers.
One such point got stuck on my mind i.e. “I should have been happier”
Yes. It sounds so simple, yet is easier said than done for many of us. There can be many reasons when we keep our happiness aside for the sake of someone/something. Parents would keep aside their happiness for the sake of the children’s future. Similarly, we all do that in our day to day lives. We all sacrifice a part of our happiness for the sake of something/someone.
Why do we do that?
Yes, it sounds important at that time. But later on after a few years, we regret not doing certain things. As they say, when you have the age to do certain things then you must do it. Let money not be the constraint stopping you from living the life you want. It’s very easy to earn money. All you need is to keep your ego aside and the end result will satisfy your needs. You might say I’m being practical and this is something only some would do.
To all of those people, I have just one thing to say; “Someday you’ll be cribbing about having no money. Someday you’ll be cribbing about having money and not being able to do things. Yes, why should you wait until you are 45 to do things which you should have done at 25? Yes, there are responsibilities, we all have them.
But don’t let them outweigh your happiness. Give time to yourself. Let happiness cover you completely. Take a trip, meet your near ones. Go for a movie, just whisk away for a weekend trip. Or best, just laze around the entire day doing nothing. There are various ways to be happy.
All you have to do is Accite/summon your inner demons, tell them that you won’t be burdened always.
Once you accite your demons, you will be happy, you will find happiness in the most hopeless place, you will smile and never ever will you regret it. Remember, only you can decide whether you want to be happy or no. If you think you have nothing to be happy about in this life of yours then my friend I have some news for you. Be happy that you got this life. You weren’t aborted. There are many such lifeless souls who deserved a life but weren’t given the chance.
You have this one life. Make it the best you can. Don’t keep regrets.
This post is written as a part of the A-Z challenge 2015 where bloggers from all around the world will blog for the whole month, daily based on all the alphabets in chronological order. You can read more such beautiful posts on their website.
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