U is for Usance which means habit.
All of us have habits that are either good or bad.
Some are normal. Some are weird.
But today’s word “Usance” made me realize of a certain habit which I’ve been noticing and I certainly hate it.
There are people that like playing with the love and affection they get from others. I have witnessed people using people who hare fond of them. I’ve seen a guy do it to a girl and vice versa. They get so much attention and love. But when the time arrives they will kick this person away.
I ask, why?
Why use someone because they love you?
If you don’t love them back, just be honest.
Giving them hopes, keeping them on the hook will hurt them badly.
I wish my blog could be taken seriously. At least on this topic as I don’t want others to end up like a friend of mine. He’s lost hope in love and now doesn’t believe in it.
This post is written as part of the annual A to Z Challenge where for each day of April (except Sundays) I shall write a post based on the letters part of 26 alphabets.
I have been participating in this challenge since 2015. To read more of my posts from the “A to Z Challenge” CLICK HERE