Sky Watch Friday – Sky in Fire Mode

Sky in Fire Mode is perhaps one of the most majestic views that the sky can offer.

It’s something about this bright color that makes us go “Wow”. I often wait for the clock to strike 5.30 pm. This is the time of the day when the sun begins to set and the sky paints a different picture.

I termed this version of the sky as “Sky in Fire Mode”. Too cool Nah? Anyways, here’s a story of how I captured some amazing picture of the sky in the evening.

As I walked towards the bus stop,  a familiar sky pattern caught my attention. So my smartphone obliged in getting a good shot for this week’s theme – Sky in Fire Mode!

Here’s the original scene.

Cloud Photography

It was quite a good sight. So I thought to tweak this picture a bit with effects from the Snapseed app. The effect gave me a scare but it looked good to me so I got it saved.

Here’s the one with the effects.

Sky in Fire Mode

This looked like eruptions could take place at any time and we could die within seconds.

What do you think about these images? Which one did you like more? The one with the effects or the original! Anyways, CLICK HERE to see this week’s sky-watch entries.

If you wish to check out such amazing pictures, do Follow Lanzomaniac on Instagram for Sky, Travel, Lifestyle, and Food pictures.

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12 thoughts on “Sky Watch Friday – Sky in Fire Mode”

  1. I like them both, the first conveys hope and the next a sense of danger or exotic adventure, great way to juxtapose the effects and thus the feel of a photo. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love snapseed. I use to process all my instagram images and many of my blog pics. I like both the original and the processed photos.

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