Should David Moyes be given time to recover his losses?

David Moyes.
The man of the moment for not only the English Premier League , but also for all other Leagues.
Now the above statement can mean for positive reasons, or negative reasons.
As per the public view, its mostly negative.

David Moyes found himself coming into the lime light after he was chosen as the successor to Sir Alex Ferguson at Manchester United.
This season, the task given to him, is not what every manager gets, as the club has a historic background, and a huge chunk of titles.
So, already with pressure of completing board expectations, Moyes made changes.
Tried to adapt to how The Red Devils play, tried to improve their play, their style, get good results.
But all in vain!
United have  13 wins, 6 draws & 8 Losses with a meager goal difference of 12.
This is one of the worst seasons for United.
So much so, that the team which battles for top position is battling at mid table positions.
Their form and morale is in dumpsters and the players are completely inconsistent.
No luck this season even in the last 10 minutes of the game, where they had a record of scoring at the last moments of the game meant they are sliding down to a point of no return.
So some questions arise.

1) Does the team need many transfers?

I don’t think so. The team might need 2 or maximum 3 changes.
But otherwise they are sorted.
Their strike force is too good, but due to injuries they haven’t been up to the mark.
Their defense and midfield line up has been of a huge concern.
Micheal Carrick has been the savior and their anchor in saving games and making them win.
Thus a few transfers in these departments can help them reform!

2) Wayne Rooney’s position in the team?

He recently signed a contract which makes him the highest paid footballer.
But many questions have been raised.
Does he deserve it?
Is he that worth?
Why shouldn’t we sell him?
The answer to that is that Rooney has been the driving force of United and his need towards the team has been on increasing levels since 2 years.
He is a striker, but has been in the midfield for a long time. He has been the one, who has been making the play, running back to the defense as and when required, not going for goal.
Even after so much, he still stuck with the club, as he loves the club.
He is that type of a player, who puts the team, before himself.
But now, seeing how the team is performing and his role getting deeper in the mid field section, he wanted to leave, but he is at his prime peak now, an age where money matters more.
Thus expect him to be the driving force for united to bounce back.

3) Presence of Scholes and Giggs?

It has so happened that for many past seasons, the manager depended on these two for driving the team to victory.
This season is no different.
Giggs has been playing and Scholes retired by May 2013.
This is good, but more bad for the team as its like an insult to the youngsters and the other team mates.
No offense, but if the manager turns to them, its for their experience, or if i can term it, the lack of team experience.
The team need to step up and show more character if they have to get better results.

4) Marouane Fellaini – The worst transfer?

I will have to deny that.
Moyes had Fellaini under him when he was at charge in Everton.
Fellaini at Everton was at prime form, and was thus the hot topic, when he made the move to Old Trafford.
Since then, everything has gone against him.
His performance, his form, no support, people questioning his role in the team, people not supporting him has affected his form and morale completely.
But we all know the Fellaini from Everton. Just imagine if he strikes that form for United. Then what impact will the team have with his presence!
So, he too needs time to adapt, but his time will run out within the next 11 weeks when the premier league ends.

5) Should Moyes be SACKED?

I have to be honest.
For every TRUE Manchester fans, Moyes should have their support and he must be given 2 years.
You cannot become a world class manager within 1 year.
It takes time.
I’m sure Ferguson too needed time to get the team to a champion status.
Maybe he took lesser time than Moyes, but he did take time!
So, every week, i see PLASTIC fans of manchester talking stuff like we don’t like Manchester now because Ferguson is gone.
The truth is, they are tired of every other team supporter coming and having a good laugh at them.
So, if the team doesn’t play well, Its Moyes’ fault.
If the team doesn’t win many matches, its Moyes’ fault.
So what are the others doing?
Just talking!! 
That’s all they can do.
My view is that Moyes needs the support from every fan because that’s how he will improve, and when he does, Manchester will be back to top flight.

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