Nivea Deodrizer – Launch Event

13th June,

Four Seasons Hotel,


So after 2 weeks of guessing what would be the product that would help us eradicate the nation’s biggest issue i.e. “Body odor”, I alongside a few fellow male bloggers headed to the Four Seasons Hotel in Worli to unravel this mystery.

The rain gods seemed to be in a very generous mood and that was not good for me. By the time I reached the venue, I looked like I just stepped out of the shower.

Anyways, when we entered in we found out part 1 of the mystery. It was going to be a product by Nivea. Yeah, they had an entire hall filled with posters of Nivea. (How could anyone not guess that then right?)

The Perfect Host

We received a warm welcome by the Nivea and BlogAdda teams. We settled down interacting with each other and in a while the event began with our beautiful host telling us what to expect in the event.

Then the discussion of body odor and how it shows/affects our personality became the whole part of the event.

The bloggers during the discussion

We started off with an activity where we were divided in groups of 5. Two from every group were blindfolded. The rest 3 members were given a few products like toothpaste, mustard sauce, a rose, onion etc. We needed to keep that near the nose of the blindfolded guys who would sniff and tell what kind of a person smells like that.

There were some pretty interesting replies I must say. Right from “This smells like my bhajji waala, to “This smeels like someone came right from the gym”.

After this funny activity, the stage was set for some Q & A’s.

I must say the discussion on this topic went from normal to something really serious. There were some good pointers by everyone. Right from when to use the deo, to how to use the deo etc, how to avoid body odor and how to tell someone that they have body odor. It’s a sensitive topic and people are either bound to take it offensively and some might be understandable and embarrassed. But it’s best that these matters be discussed.

The Nivea Team alongside their brand ambassador Mr.Arjun Rampal

After an hour of discussion we had the Nivea team alongside their brand ambassador “Arjun Rampal” (yes, he did come and it was awesome) speak to us for a while. Arjun shared some of his tips and what are his thoughts on body odor.

The event then moved to the launch of the most awaited product i.e. “Nivea Deodrizer”


After a lot of hullabaloo we finally got to the unveiling. Here’s a snapshot of the product.


Post the launch, the floor was set for more Q & A’s which Arjun and the Nivea Team happily answered.


I’ve been a Nivea fan since a long time and yes now since I’ve got this product which can help me #BanBodyOdour, then there’s nothing that can stop me. Thank you Nivea.

Pictures Courtesy – Dwitiy Revankar

I attended the #SniffSniff product unveiling event by BlogAdda in association with Nivea.

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