So today’s prompt by WordPress Editors got my thinking into a frenzy.
Why so?
Because, the prompt has a simple question;
“Do you like being scared by books, films, and surprises?”
The answer is a YES.
I love watching scary movies.
I like the way they picturise it, the effects, the storyline, the spooky sounds etc…
Just gives me an adrenaline rush.
But there is also something more.
Post watching the movie, I get shit scared.
For a day or two, I get freaked out in many situations.
If the curtain in the house moves a tad bit extra for no reason, I’m scared.
If the door makes a creaking noise, oh yes I am scared!!
If anyone just calls my name whilst standing right behind me……
I react like a cat that jumps up the ceiling with its teeth tattering.
Here are some moments which still creep me out.
1) Exorcist:
2) When someone scares me from behind:
I Definitely don’t scream like her, but more or less it’s the same feeling!!
Honestly there are so many other images i can show you guys, to show you’ll how i feel, but after seeing the first 2 images, I’m sure not to sleep in peace tonight, let alone try checking other photos.
If i would, then my sleep will go for a toss!!
So, even if I am scared, I still don’t mind watching such movies.
I ain’t afraid to admit, that post watching these movies, for a day or two, I am scared of the dark!! 😛
This post is part of WordPress Editor’s 365 Days of Writing Prompts
October 10 – Fright night
Do you like being scared by books, films, and surprises?
Describe the sensation of being scared, and why you love It or don’t.
This post is part of Day 10 of The Ultimate Blog Challenge