J is for Jactation.
Which means throwing or boasting.
How many of us boast about our achievements? How many of us boast about anything?
Is it wrong to boast about it?
I don’t know. I really don’t have a clear answer to this question.
What I do know is that it’s wrong to boast every time about what you have done. You might like it as it gives you satisfaction. Others might perceive it differently. They might not want to talk to you. They will feel a bit insecure themselves while they listen to you blabbering all about “I, Me & Myself”.
You are thinking that they are listening to what you have done, but honestly they are listening to is what they cannot do or haven’t done.
Yes I agree that boasting sometimes is good because you like it when people congratulate you, speak volumes of the height you have achieved. You feel nice. Obviously, who doesn’t feel nice, listening about themselves right?
So since I couldn’t come up with an answer myself, I’m asking you guys;
How many of us boast about our achievements? How many of us boast about anything?
Is it wrong to boast about it?
Have a nice day.
This post is written as a part of A-Z challenge 2015 where bloggers from all around the world will blog for the whole month, daily based on all the alphabets in chronological order. You can read more such beautiful posts on their website.
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