W is for Watermelon – A to Z Challenge 2020

Watermelon is more than 5000+ years old!

I looked up its history that predates a long time ago. If you’ve read the catholic BIBLE, this fruit has been mentioned more than once! Quite historic, don’t you think?

What are the benefits of eating watermelon?

There are multiple benefits. I’m listing down 5 major benefits below;

For those who don’t know, this fruit is 90%+ water. So eating this lets you STAY HYDRATED.

You end up consuming LOW CALORIES and end up feeling full.

It contains nutrients like VITAMINS A, B, C, D, Potassium, & Magnesium. Most of these vitamins are good for your SKIN & HAIR.

Few of its compounds can help LOWER RISK OF CANCER.

Lifestyle wise, this fruit reduces blood pressure, & cholesterol levels. This improves your HEART HEALTH.

If you wish to learn more about health benefits & risk factors do check out Live Science.

When should you not eat watermelon?

If possible, try avoiding this fruit post-dinner. It might cause an acidic reaction and delay your digestion process while you sleep. As much as possible, eat this during the day.

Is it OK to eat watermelon every day?

When you have more of anything, it can affect your health. Most of the sweetness comes naturally from watermelon. So if you eat more of this fruit, over time it can increase the sugar content & lycopene in your body. This can cause nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, and the feeling of bloating.

What can be made with watermelon?

There are so many recipe ideas that you can try while practicing social distancing at home. Listing down some of my favorites from Archana’s Kitchen:

Pizza Recipe (English) – Click Here

Spiced Curry with Carrot & Peppers (English) – Click Here

Corn Salad Recipe (Hindi) – Click Here

Rasam Recipe (English) – Click Here

Please Note – Watermelon is the main ingredient in all the above recipes.

Watermelon also happens to help in losing weight and is the best food to have in your diet. If you wish to burn excess fat and eat right, Check out Alpana’s post that would help you with 5 good exercises.

Follow my food journey on Zomato and Instagram

Here are my past posts for the A to Z Challenge

26 thoughts on “W is for Watermelon – A to Z Challenge 2020”

  1. Whoa…interesting facts on Watermelon. we only knew its health benefits, great to know a few more fun-facts around it.

  2. Which other fruit than watermelon to stay hydrated.
    But it was a revelation to know all these recipes with it.

  3. I love watermelon so I did not actually need so many reasons to start with :D. But its good to know the benefits and esp I love the fact that it is 90% water and helps you with hydration. And I was not aware that you should avoid after dinner as it slows down the digestion, interesting.

    1. Lancelot Quadras

      Hey Raksha, I too got to know about the digestion part post researching only! It’s indeed one of the best weight loss foods.

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